
Youth Ministry Resources

During 2024, our diocese is redesigning our youth ministry through a planning process that seeks to help us understand better the diverse needs, perspectives, and aspirations of the youth and families we serve. To learn more, email Canon Sierra Reyes.

Formation Resources

Find children’s and youth programs and curricula in use in the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.


Forma is a community of Christian educators, formation professionals, and youth ministers from the Episcopal Church. The Forma website has a wide range of resources, including curriculum descriptions and recommendations for all ages.

My Faith, My Life

My Faith, My Life is a handbook for teens in the Episcopal Church that is often used for confirmation classes. It is also an excellent resource for  youth study groups and high school Christian education programs. My Faith, My Life covers scripture, church history, and sacraments as well as the meaning of prayer and ministry in the lives of real teens today.

Church Publishing

Church Publishing Inc. is an official publisher of worship materials and resources for The Episcopal Church.

Release Form/Waiver Template

Churches frequently ask for sample release forms (waivers) for use in parish youth events and trips. Our Diocesan Youth Event Release Form provides a template that you can customize for your own context.